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  The Basis for a Healthier Life                            En español

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Craig Berg, DMVA
Pearly Baker Best
Jerry E. Block, M.D., F.A.C.P.
David Bousfield, B.F.A.
Robert Butera, Ph.D.
Alejandro Cardona, MD
Adrienne J. K. Carmack, MD
Sir Peter William Edwards, ND, PhD
Akilah El, ND, PhD
Joe Esposito, LD, DC, DABCO, DAAPM
Michael I. Freilich, MD
Soma Grismaijer

Richard Grossman, L.Ac., O.M.D., Ph.D. Steve Ilg
Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa
Megan Lurie McCarver, MA, CMT
Elizabeth Noble, P.T.
Tom Siegel
Sydney Ross Singer
Leo Sorger, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.
Philip F. Tomlinson, Jr., Ph.D.
Charlie Walters, M.B.A.
Donn Wiedershine, MD
Rex Winkels
Kenneth Yasny, Ph.D.

I came across your site via Wikipedia this morning and am very happy to have found it. I am a practicing urologist who has suspected that our lack of squatting in Western culture is the cause of many of the diseases I see routinely. However, I really didn't know what to do about it. Reading your health benefits page was immensely eye-opening.

I never thought some diseases--appendicitis and IBD, for example--were related to elimination positions, but it makes perfect sense that they are …. It is so frustrating to learn that my several hundred thousand dollar and years-long education consisted of so many "we don't know why this happens" --for example, for appendicitis--when the answer is so simple. Now that I do know about the benefits, I have something to advise my patients on (more than just sharing my theory about squatting, but with no real idea how to help them start to do this in our society). It would be nice to have more studies in the peer-reviewed literature to refer to, and these types of controlled trials would be relatively easy to do ….

Anyway, I was very happy to find your site today and thoroughly benefitted from reading your article on the benefits of squatting. Thank you for confirming what I have long suspected to be the case, providing a practical way to use this information, and making it available to the public.

Adrienne J. K. Carmack, MD
Brenham, Texas


Squatting has been a significant help in restoring healthy bowel function to my body. It is one of the major keys I have needed to learn in order to overcome the chronic bowel condition that was my lot in life to experience.

I would like to honour and congratulate Mr. Wallace Bowles and Mr. Jonathan Isbit [inventor of Nature's Platform] for their very diligent insight, ingenuity and, to my mind, the vitally important contribution they have made by bringing the truth of this biological necessity to the attention of the modern world.

Prof. Dr. Sir Peter William Edwards
ND, PhD, DSc (Health Science), D Litt, F.R.C.P. (M.A.)
Knight of Malta
Naturopathic Physician, Author of 10 books
Mudgeeraba, Queensland, Australia

Happiness Is a Regular Complete Bowel Motion is Sir Peter's latest book. The longest chapter is devoted to a thorough explanation of the vital importance of squatting. His website is


I fully endorse Nature's Platform as we have been using that method for expectant mothers for many years as yogis. Squatting for expectant mothers keeps the spine aligned and strong and the hips and pelvis balanced, as they open to prepare for birth.

Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa
Internationally renowned teacher
of Kundalini yoga, meditation
and pre- and post-natal care

More benefits for pregnant women


For years I have been teaching that structure affects function, in terms of the spine and the nervous system. The same rules apply to the colon. Sitting puts the colon in an unnatural position and causes unnecessary stess on the whole digestive system. Nature's Platform relieves that stress and allows the body to perform the way it was designed to. A healthy colon is the one of the major keys to a healthy life.

Dr. Joe Esposito, LD, DC
Diplomat American Board of Chiropractic Orthopedists
Diplomat American Academy of Pain Management
Author of "Eating Right...For the Health Of It!"
Director, Health Plus Chiropractic Center
Marietta, Georgia


The worst threat to our health is our culture and the damaging behaviors and attitudes it teaches us. Fortunately, our bodies have the wisdom to know what is good for our health and what is bad. When you try squatting on this platform it feels good, so you know it is the right thing for your health. And no more ring around the bottom from toilet seats! I suggest that you perform a Self Study with Nature's Platform. Let your body be your guide to health.

Sydney Ross Singer and Soma Grismaijer
Medical Anthropologists
Authors of 5 books, including
Get It Out! (on the vital importance of elimination)
and Dressed To Kill: The Link Between Breast Cancer and Bras
Director of the Institute for the Study of Culturogenic Disease,
Hilo, Hawaii.


Dr. Jerry E. Block, M.D., F.A.C.P. is a Board Certified Internist and the founder of Southeast Kansas Internal Medicine Associates. Dr. Block and his staff of 34 health-care professionals practice the art and science of Integrative Medicine. His most recent book is A Horse and Buggy Doctor Caught in the 21st Century.

Here is an excerpt from Dr. Block's recent newspaper column on the importance of squatting: "Dr. Denis Burkitt was the celebrated medical researcher who discovered the power of fiber when he studied traditional African societies 60 years ago. He made the observation that the squatting posture was at least as important as eating fiber for preventing [intestinal] diseases. The squatting posture keeps the bowel naturally clean, preventing the fecal stagnation that creates a breeding ground for infection and inflammation."

In the same column, Dr. Block described Nature's Platform as "the best" device to facilitate squatting.


Fifteen years ago, we wanted to import a "squat toilet" for our new house in Massachusetts. It was not permitted by the building code!

Fortunately, Nature's Platform is available now which is even better because it is portable. Squatting is the activity of daily life that Westerners (and regrettably, more and more Easterners) have given up at their peril. The use of toilets and chairs lead to myriad problems that plague modern society.

Nature's Platform goes a long way toward their prevention and cure.

Elizabeth Noble, P.T.
Founder: Section on Women's Health
American Physical Therapy Association.
Author of 8 books     See her biography

Leo Sorger, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.
Former Clinical Instructor, Boston University Medical School
(Husband of Elizabeth)


After living in Japan, Taiwan and India from 1985 to 1989 as a serious student of Yoga, I have searched for a natural toilet system ever since. I found no toilet seats that permit squatting. Finally, in 1998, Nature's Platform was invented and just recently brought to market. While you don't need decades of Yoga practice and a PhD to know the benefits of natural elimination, if you have a standard toilet, your health demands using Nature's Platform.

Robert Butera, Ph.D.
The YogaLife Institute, Phoenixville, PA


I have always been told that the proper way to eliminate is by squatting. This is the reason why our ancestors did not develop the numerous diseases that plague our body (via the colon) today. I have always searched for an easier way to help my clients use this posture for better colon elimination, however, most of the stools or platforms advertised were not to my liking. When I saw the Natures's Platform I realized that my search was over. I am very pleased with this product and the results that my clients and I are receiving from it. I was so impressed that I devoted an entire web-page to this company and their product on my website.

Thanks for helping millions of people regain their health back through proper colon eliminations.

Dr Akilah El, ND PhD
Naturopathic Doctor


Since I discovered squatting while in India, I have often struggled between balancing on the edge of the toilet, and giving into sitting on the throne. Since using Nature's Platform, this struggle has been replaced with the wonderful experience of resuming the natural evacuation position. I now recommend Nature's Platform to all of my patients, especially to those who are plagued with chronic constipation, though this need not be the sole reason for using it. The health benefits of this position cannot be overstated.

As a side benefit that I have not seen spoken of in the literature, the squatting position provides an excellent stretch for the low back and helps to stretch the ligaments and tendons of the ankles. I believe that Nature's Platform will contribute to the relief of many chronic low back problems.

Richard Grossman, L.Ac., O.M.D., Ph.D.
(Licensed Acupuncturist, Doctor of Oriental Medicine)
Santa Monica, CA


Nature's Platform has taught me to listen to my muscles which announce the action of elimination.

Megan Lurie McCarver, MA, CMT


My husband's knees were injured playing football so he can't get into the squatting position. At first I was worried that Nature's Platform would be inconvenient since I would have to remove it for him to use the sitting position. But it only takes three seconds, even for a klutz like me! I also got the optional curtain so Nature's Platform is out of sight when company comes (although many guests are intrigued and want to try it out.)

Female, age 35


We applaud the design of Nature's Platform, both for its ease of use and convenient storage. It should be well known that squatting is the natural way to go, and we appreciate your aim in bringing attention to the subject matter. Your product is a true complement to our colon cleansing kit and for those who understand the importance of proper elimination.

We highly recommend Nature's Platform to all of our customers.

Rex Winkels
Wholistic HEALTH Solutions


I have written the book, PUT HEMORRHOIDS AND CONSTIPATION BEHIND YOU, and have a chapter describing our biological similarities to our ancestors of 3 million years ago. As such, we were designed to squat to eliminate.   Nature's Platform is the only product that reproduces the natural position.   It should also help prevent hemorrhoids as well as hernias and some back problems.  It is not for the older patient due to the climbing onto the platform -- otherwise, it should be adopted by all!

Kenneth Yasny, Ph.D.
President, The Society for the Prevention of Colon Disease

Click here to see how elderly people and small children can use Nature's Platform safely.

Having reviewed all the scientific literature available on the squatting posture and having had some personal experience with this ancient, time-tested method for natural evacuation, I have no hesitation in recommending it to my patients. Nature's Platform is an extremely innovative product, which allows those who are new to squatting, as well as those who have done it all their lives, to use this method safely and comfortably on a modern toilet. Many ailments can be prevented and alleviated by its widespread use.

Alejandro Cardona, MD
General Practitioner
Department of Medicine
University of Valencia


I will never go back to the "sitting-on-the-throne" routine. The squatting position is clearly superior. Nature's Platform is the way to go!

Dr. Craig Berg
Consultant, Age 52


One of my regrets about leaving India was having to abandon my lifelong habit of using the squatting position. At 286 pounds, I can't simply climb up on an ordinary toilet without running the risk of serious injury and embarrassment. So, discovering Nature's Platform has been a great blessing. It's light enough that my young daughter has no trouble setting it up, yet it's strong enough to easily support my weight. Now I feel right at home.

Male, age 46


I was convinced to try Nature's Platform after reading an article in Yoga International on how great the health benefits were to squatting. I had some lower back pain at the time I started using it and within two days the pain was completely gone. I believe it provides tremendous balance to the prana (life force) of the body. I would strongly recommend it to anyone.

Tom Siegel
Food Service Administrator
Fairfield, IA


Nature's Platform has become an important part of my life and a key factor in the optimization of my health. After many years of abdominal discomforts and a number of surgeries, Nature's Platform brings great relief with no strain or pain. The process is effortless. It goes almost automatically given the correct angle.

Philip F. Tomlinson, Jr., Ph.D.
Greenfield, MA


Using Nature’s Platform, though it may seem a little awkward at first, is clearly the superior way to go.

Pearly Baker Best
Contributing Editor
Magical Blend Magazine
Read Pearly's review of Nature's Platform


I never used the squatting position before, but once I heard about it, it seemed to make sense. After all, when God made human beings He didn't provide any toilets. During my first experience with Nature's Platform I had the exhilarating feeling of being in touch with the primitive life force deep within me. It was a revelation. On a more mundane level, I was amazed at how natural and smooth was the process of evacuation. I'm really hooked on this product.

Female, age 29


I really like Nature's Platform. I've been using my toilet 'squat-style' for many years because I know the great health benefits from complete evacuation, but Nature's Platform makes it much easier to use this position. Before I always felt my arches crushed standing on the western toilet seat and trying to balance, but now with this new product it is totally stable -- a truly royal experience!

David Bousfield, B.F.A.
Boone, North Carolina
(The Home of Nature's Platform)


This innovative product brings an essential degree of ease and satisfaction to the body's functioning. It provides a natural experience which has unfortunately not been available in our western civilized world, with all its technological 'superiority'. I have greatly benefited from the use of Nature's Platform and recommend it to anyone who is genuinely concerned about restoring his or her normal, balanced functioning.

Female, age 32


I've been balancing on toilet seats for twenty years. I've broken a few, and dislodged my share of toilets from their anchors to considerable expense. The stability, comfort and ease of Nature's Platform is a great relief.

Charlie Walters, M.B.A.
Boone, North Carolina


This message appeared on the Yahoo Health Groups IBS Singles discussion forum. The original message can be viewed at

Date: Sat May 10, 2003 7:29 pm


are u guys familiar with this? i got one and have been using it for about a week, my bloating is significantly reduced and hemorrhoids have disappeared. check it out.


Nature's Platform has been good for my health. I read some of the research and tried it and have kept on using it ever since. There's no question that one effortlessly gets more complete elimination from squatting than from sitting. With more of the toxins out of the body, the entire intestinal tract functions more smoothly. I definitely feel better. I even think my sinus allergies have improved as a result. I wish I had been using this method my whole life long.

Male, age 56


Nature's Platform is not a joke. Here in America and Europe we are so used to our Western way of using the toilet--sitting and waiting and straining. Well, it just so happens that the ancient method of squatting makes use of gravity to help Nature do Her job. So much of the world, in its apparently primitive style, is really way ahead of us in many ways, including even our elimination. Sitting is not as relaxing and effortless in this process--squatting is far superior. Strain can lead to many disorders in this area of the physiology.

Nature's Platform allows us Westerners to make use of natural laws to aid in elimination. I wholeheartedly endorse this wonderful product that is so advanced and yet so beautifully primitive in aiding a daily and quite human and very important behavior. Let us be ready to answer Nature's call in the most natural way.

Donn Wiedershine, MD
Staten Island, NY


I just received my platform today and tried it for the first time this evening. I have to say I'm amazed. I have tried squatting before, at the suggestion of a doctor because of recurring hemorrhoids, and I could never manage it on the toilet rim.

This evening I felt a little bit awkward, but within seconds of assuming the position I had the quickest, easiest bowel movement of my entire life .... I could swear my hemorrhoids have already improved. If future experiences prove to be as good as my first, I will be an enthusiastic advocate of your product to all of my friends and family.

It's funny to think that when I first saw a squatting-style toilet on a trip to Italy, I was aghast. Now I am angry that Americans, and most of the citizens of the developed Western world, have been so poorly served by the designers and producers of bathroom fixtures for so long. Is there some kind of toilet lobby keeping the truth from us? We need a revolution!

[Name Withheld]
San Diego, CA 


Want to see a modern tragedy? Go look at your toilet seat. The worst thing for long-term health happens while sitting instead of squatting in the bathroom. Why do so many of us suffer from constipation, heartburn, low back pain, hernias, hemorroids, colon cancers, and overeating due to misabsorption of nutrients? The answer is our ridiculous insistence upon 'civility' on the toilet, which stagnates our natural 'sewer system'.

Resultantly, our colonic organs become encrusted with toxic matter which renders them ineffective, weak, and prone to dis-ease. Long-term health pivots upon the fitness of our digestive and elimination organs. Nature's Platform simply and efficiently provides a desperately needed solution to a 150-year old problem that should have never arisen. Every toilet in America should be fitted with a Nature's Platform. Certainly, all yogis and fitness warriors should order one today.

Steve Ilg
author/world-class athlete/yoga teacher


I do not own a Nature's Platform, but have adopted the squatting posture since first reading the copious amount of information posted on your website about a month ago. I am a 32 year-old female. I have had an inguinal hernia (which I was told that females rarely get) since I was 12. Of course, I was advised that surgery was the only way to fix it & that it would only get worse (and eventually the intestine would be painfully pinched) as time progressed.

I am elated to say that after 20 years of having this hernia, it has been eliminated in just under a month of squatting! I will stress that this was the only change in my routine; my diet and exercise habits have not been altered. I can't even feel the weak spot in my abdominal wall, which was still palpable while laying on my back, when my intestines weren't protruding through it. This is just amazing!

I have been directing my friends and family to your site so they too can learn about the health benefits of squatting. I applaud you for sharing this information with the world.



Back in 1979, when former President Carter had a hemorrhoid problem, Time Magazine called and asked me to explain the cause of hemorrhoids. In the magazine, I was quoted as saying, "Man was not meant to sit on a toilet, but to squat in a field."

Michael I. Freilich, MD
Retired Surgeon
Marina del Rey, CA


I want to thank you for sending the platform so quickly. I just recently discovered that squatting is the most natural way to have a bowel movement. I was skeptical at first but was willing to try due to the information given in your website.

I have had nature's platform for 7 days. I had a small but irritating hemorrhoid that I have had since my last child was born. That was 12 years ago. It is now completely gone!! WOW! What a great but common sense product.

[Name Withheld]

Learn How Squatting Can Help Prevent
Constipation, Hemorrhoids, Appendicitis, Colitis, Diverticulosis,
Hernias, Heart Attacks, Prostate Disorders and Colon Cancer

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